Renouncing the Veil

A Modest Text-Based Poem For TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY Year C February 27, 2022

Exodus 34:29-35 

Psalm 99 

2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 

Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)

Renouncing the Veil

Lord, it’s been a while since we ascended your holy mountain,

Since we beheld your glory with clear eyes and unwavering hearts,

Since we longed to linger in the blazing light of your Presence.

If we are honest, we know the shine faded a while back; 

We were relieved to scurry back down to shoddy, familiar comforts of reality at the bottom.

Like Moses, our veil is just a cheap parlor trick illusion;

Fooling only each other, never you.

If we are honest, we prefer the protection the veil provides.

We smile, pretending to ignore each other’s fading faces. 

Like children at a party, we busily embellish our tattered, disintegrating veils with glitter, sequins, cheap plastic jewels,

And quietly attempt to patch them together with duct tape in the shadows.

While the creation groans wearily and despairs of waiting 

For your people to drop the act, to stop settling for pale substitutes,

The shame of our deceptions and our hiding cripples us; the weight of our cowardice buckles our knees,

Here we are, sinking finally with filthy, unveiled faces, restored by your mercy, to the only posture that ever made real sense. 

You have spoken to us through the terror of the cloud, through blazing pillar of fire, 

Through your decrees and through your Christ.

You have shown us what is good and what is required. 

You offered light and love.

Yet we preferred dark and deception.

We have foolishly craved an indulgent Sugar Daddy who smiles and turns a blind eye as we squander our inheritance.

As of old, when we stumble and cry out, still you faithfully answer us as a loving, forgiving Father.

You are the True Father Who disciplines whom He loves with correction, with consequences, and Who runs to meet us on the road when we finally remember Whose we are. 

Grant us renewed boldness and clean hearts to act in concert with the fresh movement of your Spirit;

To be moved by the wonders of your mercy;

To step with glowing hearts into the brilliant Light and Liberty of life in your Kingdom;

To gasp aloud “Glory!” with bright eyes and unveiled faces, astonished afresh at the greatness of our God. 


Entering the Wilderness


Malcolm Guite - Transfiguration -Poem for Transfiguration Sunday, Year C