Wedding Poem by Ross Gay - Poem for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year C

The Englewood Review of Books curates a weekly series of classic and contemporary poems that resonate with the themes of the lectionary readings. Here is one of the poems for this coming Sunday (More poems for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year C can be found here)

Wedding Poem

Ross Gay

to accompany the lectionary reading: Psalm 30


Friends I am here to modestly report

seeing in an orchard

in my town

a goldfinch kissing

a sunflower

again and again


Ross Gay is an American poet and professor. Along with a National Book Critics Circle Award for poetry, he is the author of the New York Times best-selling collection of essays, “The Book of Delights.” Gay compiled the book for a year’s worth of daily essays about things that delighted him, especially the small actions of individuals that create community.  (via Wikipedia). 


Breakfast with Jesus


The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry - Poem for the Second Sunday of Easter, Year C