Year C Lent Collection
For over twenty years, the Ekklesia Project has sought to provide practical resources for pastors and laypersons seeking to be faithful to the way of Jesus: written materials and personnel support for congregational formation, pamphlets on a variety of topics, and a lectionary-based blog.
In 2008 the Ekklesia Project began to intentionally focus on the Lectionary for regular writing. For many years this was called “bLogos” a form of the popular term Weblog that became blog. Now we just call them Lectionary Reflections. It is amazing how many authors have contributed to it over the past 17 years. We are thankful to them all, and to those who have helped organize the posts, especially Brian Volck, Todd Edmondson and Kelsey and Jacob Guckenberger. Someday maybe we will assemble all that we can into a compendium, but for now here’s a sample for Year C. We hope it is useful to you as you walk on this pilgrim way.