When Truth Comes Close to Home

Of The Empire

We will be known as a culture that feared death
and adored power, that tried to vanquish insecurity
for the few and cared little for the penury of the
many. We will be known as a culture that taught
and rewarded the amassing of things, that spoke
little if at all about the quality of life for
people (other people), for dogs, for rivers. All
the world, in our eyes, they will say, was a
commodity. And they will say that this structure
was held together politically, which it was, and
they will say also that our politics was no more
than an apparatus to accommodate the feelings of
the heart, and that the heart, in those days,
was small, and hard, and full of meanness.

–Mary Oliver, "Red Bird"

Written by Megan Trischler

Photo by Taylor Flowe

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany

Luke 4:21–30

Our Gospel passage for this fourth Sunday after the Epiphany is right on time.

Jesus—strengthened during a 40 day stint in wilderness and emboldened by the Spirit—is beginning to teach in synagogues across Galilee, gaining a favorable reputation as he goes. Upon returning to the synagogue of his childhood home, we hear Jesus speak a set of powerful words (reading sections from the scroll of Isaiah) to the Jewish worshippers in Nazareth, declaring that he fulfills Isaiah's predictions as the one “anointed.” (4:21) 

While the congregation initially welcomes his message, (4:22) the tone quickly shifts when Jesus cites two precedents to his ministry: the prophets Elijah and Elisha, who performed miracles not for Jews but for Gentiles. Luke describes the congregation’s response: “filled with rage;” “drove him [Jesus] out of town;” and sought to “hurl him off a cliff.” (4:28-29). 

How swiftly Jesus moves from a position of acceptance into rejection, from rejection into danger. 

We contemporary Christians would do well to reconsider the claim that this reaction from the mob in Nazareth is driven by xenophobia—that they seek to kill Jesus because he has a positive message for the Gentiles. Instead, the rejection of Jesus here seems to be prompted by his refusal to provide his hometown with messianic blessings; to perform miracles in their midst as he’d been reported doing elsewhere across the lands. For the God-fearers in Nazareth, what they hoped for—maybe even what they presumed was coming—eludes them. 

Last week, Bishop Mariann Budde delivered a sermon during the Service of Prayer for the Nation held at the Washington Cathedral the day after the presidential inauguration. This tradition—that of a public or private prayer service attended by the president-elect and several other officials—stretches back many decades, and often includes voices from a diverse set of faith denominations who read scripture and other sacred texts, invoke prayer, and speak words of benediction upon the individuals who’ve been selected to govern our country. To say that another way, it is assumed that positive messages and blessing will echo from the voices who stand behind the lector. 

But Reverend Budde takes a different approach, one that I’d argue is full of Gospel truth, rich in compassion, gentleness, and love. In her message last Tuesday, Budde calls for unity amongst the American people, naming three foundational realities that must be present for this to be accomplished—for the dignity of every human person to be upheld; for honesty; and for humility. She concludes by directly challenging the newly issued executive orders for the harm they cause to vulnerable communities, then implores the president to “have mercy upon the people in our country,” namely immigrants and LGBTQ+ Americans. Reverend Budde says all of this while standing a stone’s throw (pun intended) from one of the most powerful men on the planet.

And what has been the response to Reverend Budde’s exhortation? From many religious people—including the 47th president of the United States of America himself—the response has been mockery and contempt. Some demand an apology. Some have even suggested that she be punished. The response we’re seeing from many American Christians is bitter and cruel.

I can’t help but read Luke’s account as a cautionary tale for religious people today, especially Christians in America who view President Trump as a messiah-like figure, with his false promises to save, heal, restore, and deliver the nation. It is deeply disheartening to see injustice, oppression, violence, and disparaging speech done in the name of Christ. Yet (sadly), I have come to expect it from an administration largely driven by values that stand in opposition to the Gospel. And even a rudimentary understanding of Church history shows us that we’ve been here before. But for the rest of us, ordinary Jesus-followers in cities and towns across these United States, we must do and demand better. 

Those who seek to follow Jesus in this moment in history would do well to remember this poignant teaching from the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. Jesus’ mission has always been: proclaiming good news to the poor (those who trust God and know their need for him); releasing those in captivity (those bound by sin and other forms of enslavement); restoring sight to the blind (both physically and spiritually); setting the oppressed free (healing the sick, purging darkness, forgiving sins); and ushering in the Lord’s favor (times of celebration, rest, and cultural and economic “reset”). 

And his way is always peace.   

In the face of empire—with its habits of domination, dehumanization, violence, scarcity, and fear—we, followers of Christ, are called to speak boldly with our words, hands, and feet. It takes work and tenacity to stand in the light of the truth; beloved church, this is our call. 

  • Who are the poor in your midst and what would true “good news” look like for their life?

  • Who is bound up, trapped, enslaved and what part might you play in their liberation?

  • How can you share/shine the light of Christ to help illuminate a path for others?

  • How are you being called to heal, purge, forgive?

  • What other ways can you participate in God’s redemptive work in the face of empire?

When God sends a prophetic voice to speak truth in the face of power how do we, the religious people, respond? The Jesus way is always gentle, without violence. 

When God calls you to be that prophetic voice, to speak truth in the face of power, how will you respond? The Jesus way is always costly.

The words and actions of Christ cost him much. 

So it often must be for those of us seeking to follow in his footsteps. 

Such times call for great faith and deep trust.

This week, whether you are called to speak to a crowd from the pulpit, or to close friends and family around dinner tables. Whether you are speaking to those who are seeking God, or those far away, to worshippers within Christ’s Body, or those long detached, our call is the same:

We are called to speak the truth—gospel truth—despite what it might cost us. 

Be strong and courageous, my friends.

Be strengthened, as we are, by the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit within. 

Go (and speak) in love, in truth, and in peace.


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