On the Parables of the Mustard Seed by Denise Levertov - Poem for the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A

The Englewood Review of Books curates a weekly series of classic and contemporary poems that resonate with the themes of the lectionary readings. Here is one of the poems for this coming Sunday (More poems for Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A can be found here)

This poem was selected to accompany one of the
lectionary readings for the coming week,
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

On the Parables of the Mustard Seed
Denise Levertov


Who ever saw the mustard-plant,
wayside weed or tended crop,
grow tall as a shrub, let alone a tree, a treeful
of shade and nests and songs?


Denise Levertov (1923-1997) was a British-born, naturalized American poet. During the 1960s and 70s, Levertov was politically active in her life and work. As poetry editor for The Nation, she was able to support and publish the work of feminist and other progressive activist poets. The Vietnam War was an especially important focus of her poetry. She was a recipient of the Lannan Literary Award for Poetry. Much of the latter part of Levertov's life was spent in education. (via Wikipedia)


All Thirst Quenched by Lois Red Elk - Poem for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A


The Gift of Eyes to See