Allison Funk- The Prodigal’s Mother Speaks to God - Poem for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year C

The Englewood Review of Books curates a weekly series of classic and contemporary poems that resonate with the themes of the lectionary readings. Here is one of the poems for this coming Sunday (More poems for the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year C can be found here)

The Prodigal’s Mother Speaks to God

Allison Funk

to accompany the lectionary reading: Luke 15:1-3,11b-32


When he returned a second time,

the straps of his sandals broken,

his robe stained with wine,

it was not as easy to forgive.


Allison Funk is a Distinguished Professor of English at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She was born in Princeton, New Jersey, and grew up in Delaware. Her first collection of poems, Forms of Conversion, was published in 1986. Living at the Epicenter, her second book, won the 1995 Samuel French Morse Prize as well as the Society of Midland Authors Poetry Prize. Other books include The Knot Garden, The Tumbling Box, and Wonder Rooms. 

Image Credit: Poetry Foundation


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