Past Gatherings

2017: Go in Peace: Church as Mission

2016: Becoming Like Little Children: The Gospel Gift of Vulnerability

2015: Forming Youth in Our Congregations: Raising Danielle and Daniel to Live in Babylon

2014: Tilling and Keeping: Fitting Practices for a Very Good Creation

2013: Practicing the Peace of Christ in Church, Neighborhood, and Country

2012: Slow Church: Abiding Together in the Patient Work of God

2011: Neighbors Near and Far

2010: ‘And God Said …’: Language, Wordcare and Radical Discipleship

2009: Wealth and the Household of God

2008: Crossing the Divide: Race, Racism and the Body of Christ

2007: Learning Christ: Congregational Formation for the Long Haul

2006: The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like…. Imagining our Shared Life in Christ

2005: No Other Gods: Keeping the Commandments in the Face of Empire

2004: Singing Mary’s Song: Practices of the Upside-Down Reign of God

2003: Discipleship in a Divided Church

2002: A Conspiracy of Friendship

2001: Radical Discipleship and the Local Church

2000: Inaugural Gathering of Friends and Co-Conspirators

For more information on past gatherings, contact us.


2018: Defining Beauty